How to Build a List Formatting Web Part with all the cool samples from the Universal Sample Gallery
Learn how to build an SPFx web part that simplifies applying column formatting samples directly to SharePoint lists using React, PnP.js, and GitHub integration.
A Manifesto for Ethical Software
Ethical software empowers people through inclusion, accountability, and accessibility.
Why the infamous 'Lets make a list of use cases' is THE way to kill AI innovation
How to stop the paralysis by analysis
What are we doing? I mean apart from back-to-back meetings and emails...
How to think differently about productivity
Productivity isn’t an assembly line: escaping the 1925 mindset with Microsoft 365 Copilot
How to think differently about productivity
Transform the way we think about Copilot
Lets stop retrofitting our ops to accomodate tech
Turning Culture Into Capital: AI and the new means of production
How AI turned our collective knowledge into a commodity
How to create a wordclock with Python
How to deal with time zones and not go crazy
Introducing Bluesky Terminal Poster
Guide on how ton post from your terminal
How to make a SharePoint Web Part multilingual
Guide how multi language works for Web Parts
#FF69B4 or how to read Hex Color Values
An explanation on how to grasp hex codes
Improving a Web Part with PnP.js and React Webhooks
A deep dive into enhancing a SharePoint Web Part using PnP.js, custom hooks, and component splitting for better maintainability.