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Office 365 as an IT-only project – what could possibly go wrong?!
Note: I did a session with Michael Roth on based on this blog post at #Office365UGHH — please connect with and follow him as well. If you want to run your Office 365 project like an usual IT project …
Manage your contacts during events with Microsoft Flow
As I travel really often to speak at or just attend conferences, I wanted a smooth workflow to capture contact data of the persons I meet during an event and make sure that I catch up with them later. …
What shall I use for managing tasks? Email? Outlook Tasks? Planner? To Do or even OneNote?
So many choices, which isn’t a bad thing. It just matters, what you want to achieve and what is the business case behind your wish list. The Swiss Army Knife — and the confusion about it Microsofts …
On my way to become a Power User
Maybe you have been following my learning journey on the way to becoming a PowerUser for a while. If not, these articles can help: how it feels to create my very first #MicrosoftFlow working hours …
Using Microsoft Flow to automate my process of sending stickers…
It all started with my nice idea of sketching some stickers and I offered on twitter to send those stickers for free. Never expected that amount of direct messages and replies, so I took that as a …
No email just for the sake of #NoEmail?
When you follow my blogposts, you know that I really don’t like email. Wait a minute, is that true? Do I dislike email? No, not at all. I only feel that the daily and widespread email abuse is not …
How can we overcome the pain with email?
Inbox Zero? I reached this goal, inbox zero. I wrote a tutorial how everyone can achieve that, too. Why is this important? For several reasons: Your inbox folder is just a mailbox. You empty your …
How do we organize our phones?
After my last blog post about 11+3 reasons why I fell in love with Microsoft To-Do, my dear colleague Darrell from Regarding 365 emphasized how cool he is about sorting my apps on my iPhone. That …
11 + 5 reasons to fall in love with Microsoft To Do
Wow! Really?Falling in love with a tool? Are you nuts, Luise? Yes, maybe :-) I’m a very creative person. Not only because I draw #sketchnotes at conferences and show others how important …
10 signs you are an Office 365 Consultant
I wrote this blogpost jointly with my colleague MVP Andi Krueger, originally published in Microsoft Sway 1. Your answer to nearly everything begins with… “It depends…” T-Shirt with Print: Single, …
10 things IT Pros should care about while designing a great digital work experience
1. The 80/20 rule As we always say: digital transformation is 80 % about people and 20 % about technology, we should walk the talk and think about our customers — our users. They deserve a workplace …
How to build a working hours tracker
After I wrote the story about my very first MicrosoftFlow I was curious if I could do another one. So I don’t wanted to create a new flow, but to improve the one I created before. What I want to …