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Building my first SharePoint Web Part with SPFx Toolkit
I’ll walk you through how I transformed my standalone JavaScript web tool into a SharePoint Web Part using SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Toolkit. My original web tool was pretty straightforward. It …
AI and dinosaurs
Have you ever noticed how almost every kid goes through that intense dinosaur phase? You know the one. Suddenly, your five-year-old nephew can rattle off facts about the size, speed, and power of a …
Introducing the SVG to JSON for SharePoint List formatter
In my latest blog posts, I played a lot of SVGs in SharePoint lists. For everyone who isn’t aware - Unlike other image formats like .png or .jpg, .svg are vectors - which can be expressed as …
Display SVGs with multiple paths in a SharePoint list
I had this neat idea that depending on a value in a number column, the field would show a plant - a very small one for value 1, and then increasingly growing with more leaves up to value 4. To get you …
How to apply modern card design in a SharePoint list with listformatting
I wanted to explore if I could implement a nice overview card in a SharePoint list column, that would display at a glance for example customer feedback, whom this is assigned to and also display to …
Populate SharePoint List multiple choice column with Microsoft 365 Groups-and add some List formatting
Recently, a customer asked me if I could automagically populate Microsoft 365 Group Names to a multiple choice column in a SharePoint list. Of course I told them that one can create an ootb Person …
Resource naming reloaded: Azure Policy and Bicep for the winner!
Let’s solidify naming conventions with Azure Policy In one of my last blog posts, How to use Azure Policy to enforce resource naming conventions in your DevOps pipelines I explained how one could …
How to rotate secrets with Azure Logic Apps, Key Vault and Managed Identity
Do we REALLY need to rotate secrets? Ever wonder why we’re always harping on about rotating secrets in Microsoft Entra App Registrations? Rotating secrets is kind of like changing the locks on your …
How to use Azure Policy to enforce resource naming conventions in your DevOps pipelines
Lets talk about Azure naming conventions I know, I know, you are probably thinking, “Seriously? We’re gonna talk about names?” But trust me, this stuff matters. Why Should You Care …
How to automate vulnerability scans in Azure DevOps with Microsoft Defender for Cloud
You know how it goes. You are working on a project, pushing code left and right, and then someone asks, “But is it secure?” Cue the collective groan. Well, what if I told you …
Go Go governance! Enforcing Azure Policies with Azure CLI
This post is part of a series about Deployments, Role Assignments and more! How to deploy Azure LogAnalytics Workspace and link Application Insights to it How to use Azure Container Registry to …
Azure RBAC is so 2023! Let’s get ABAC to the rescue!
This post is part of a series about Deployments, Role Assignments and more! How to deploy Azure LogAnalytics Workspace and link Application Insights to it How to use Azure Container Registry to …