Exploring Microsoft Graph Toolkit as a non-Developer — Part 4
Continuing my learning journey with #MSGraphToolkitLap to make good use of the Graph Toolkit I read Cameron Dwyer’s blog about the power of the mgt-get. You can catch up here to read part 1, part 2 …
Exploring Microsoft Graph Toolkit Lap as a non-developer -Part 3
This is part 3 of my blog series about the Microsoft Graph ToolKit Lap — a very hands-on approach by the Microsoft Graph Team to engage the developer community to start using the Toolkit. If you …
Exploring Microsoft Graph Toolkit Lap as a non-developer — Part 2
This is the second part of my learning story with #MSGraphToolkitLap — a series by the Microsoft Graph Team to drive community adoption and developer satisfaction. My goal is to learn something new — …
Exploring Microsoft Graph Toolkit Lap as non Developer
Purpose of this blog post is to let you be part of my personal experiences with the blog post series A Lap Around Microsoft Graph Toolkit written by The Microsoft Graph team and several MVPs. I refer …
With great power comes great responsibility: Ensure that Microsoft Teams Owners are digitally literate
Uncle Ben was right — and if we translate this famous quote into our Microsoft 365 universe we know: If we give users great tools with great power, we also need to make sure to properly skill them up. …
How to learn sketchnoting even if you can’t draw and what sketchnotes taught me
in this blog post I will show you how to start sketchnoting and how I overcame a lot of false beliefs. I often hear the following reasons why someone believes that he/she can’t begin to sketchnote: 1. …
TimeTracking Tool with #PowerPlatform and Adaptive Cards
In this blogpost I would like to show you some easy steps with which you can not only track the time you spend on a project and it’s different tasks, but also share this with team members or even your …
How to use Power Virtual Agents to simplify IT and unf*ck User Experience
In this blog post I want to show you how you can use the whole Power of the Power Platform to improve user experience, narrow the traditional gap between IT and Business side of a company and simplify …
2019 or How I started to believe in myself
Purpose of this post Someone on twitter asked, what was the one word to describe 2019. As I can’t name just one word, I will need to write an entire blog post to do that. Originally, I didn’t know if …
Adaptive Cards for Beginners- Monitor a Hashtag on Twitter
I wanted to work’n’play with Adaptive Cards, which are the future of notifications and I wanted to experiment with the Flow Bot in Microsoft Teams so I tried to figure out how I could monitor a …
Office 365 as an IT-only project – what could possibly go wrong?!
Note: I did a session with Michael Roth on based on this blog post at #Office365UGHH — please connect with and follow him as well. If you want to run your Office 365 project like an usual IT project …
Manage your contacts during events with Microsoft Flow
As I travel really often to speak at or just attend conferences, I wanted a smooth workflow to capture contact data of the persons I meet during an event and make sure that I catch up with them later. …