4 ways to level up your Power Automate flows
Intro A while back, I wrote about How to use a custom connector in Power Automate showing how easy you can create a connector to a cloud service that is not already in the very long list of connectors …
How to get started with GitHub and Git
Intro Ever wondered how you could get started in contributing to open-source projects? Let’s say you would like to contribute to an open-source project and the contributing guide tells you that …
Create a portfolio site with GitHub pages and reveal.js
In this post I want to show how you can create a simple portfolio site with GitHub pages and reveal.js GitHub pages lets you host your website directly from the GitHub repository But instead of having …
Putting some more FUN into Azure Functions, Managed Identity & Microsoft Graph
I want to show, how you can use a Managed Identity in Azure Functions to get an access token for Microsoft Graph API. I will later expand on that scenario and make the solution available to be …
The friendly SMS reminder with Logic Apps, Azure Functions & Key Vault
Yay, this is a new blog post series on how to put the FUN in Azure Functions 🙂 Recently, I was learning about Azure Functions and came up with a sweet use case what I could do to combine Azure …
Should you attend yet another meeting?
Do you suffer from meeting overload as well? We joke around, that “this meeting could have been an email” and still our calendars are filled with meetings, meetings and even more meetings. Sometimes, …
LearnTogether: Build Apps with Microsoft Graph
This week, I had the great pleasure to attend Microsoft’s Learn Together: Build apps for Microsoft Graph event. I also did sketchnotes of the event, you may find high resolution files (images, gifs …
Microsoft Graph Fundamentals learning path – Module 3
Doing Microsoft Graph Fundamentals learning path on MS Learn - Part 3 This is already the third part of my little series on what it takes to do the Microsoft Graph Fundamentals Learning Path on …
Microsoft Graph Fundamentals learning path – Module 2
Doing Microsoft Graph Fundamentals learning path on MS Learn - Part 2 Welcome back to my series about the Microsoft Graph Fundamentals learning path on Microsoft Learn. This is part 2; if you did not …
Microsoft Graph Fundamentals learning path - Module 1
Doing Microsoft Graph Fundamentals learning path on MS Learn - Part 1 This blog post will summarize how I did the brand new Microsoft Graph Fundamentals Learning path. Microsoft Graph Fundamentals …
How to get started with Graph Explorer
How to get started with Graph Explorer Don’t know what the Microsoft Graph Explorer is? Or have you already heard about it, but were not sure, how to get started and how this would help you? …
X things you should do before making an app
10 things we should think about before we build an app With Power Apps, we can rapidly build custom business applications that connect to our business data in a low code manner. This means that not …