Showing posts from Opinion tag
A Manifesto for Ethical Software
Ethical software empowers people through inclusion, accountability, and accessibility.
Why the infamous 'Lets make a list of use cases' is THE way to kill AI innovation
How to stop the paralysis by analysis
What are we doing? I mean apart from back-to-back meetings and emails...
How to think differently about productivity
Productivity isn’t an assembly line: escaping the 1925 mindset with Microsoft 365 Copilot
How to think differently about productivity
Transform the way we think about Copilot
Lets stop retrofitting our ops to accomodate tech
Turning Culture Into Capital: AI and the new means of production
How AI turned our collective knowledge into a commodity
AI and dinosaurs
Have you ever noticed how almost every kid goes through that intense dinosaur phase? You know the one. Suddenly, your five-year-old nephew can rattle off facts about the size, speed, and power of a …
Why you shouldn’t say 'please' or 'thank you' to AI (and why it matters)
We’ve all been there: asking ChatGPT, Copilot or whatever AI, for something and instinctively saying “please” or “thank you.” It feels polite, right? But AI doesn’t care. Talking to it like it’s a …
Hasta la vista?! About how we picture AI
Ever searched for “AI” on a stock image site or even used an AI tool to generate an image of “AI”? I can’t help but noticing three recurring themes: robots that look like the Terminator …
AI can now REASON?! tl;dr: no, it cant!
Another day, another AI model drop! This time, it’s the OpenAI o1 series, and wow, the hype is all over my feed 🙄 Is this the breakthrough in reasoning we’ve all been waiting for? 🤔 OpenAI …
Yolo! Let's deploy Friday?!
We do not deploy on Fridays, AmIRite? Ah, the infamous Friday Freeze – a term that became somewhat of running joke among developers. The idea is simple: Don’t deploy on Fridays. Why? Because if …
How to be better at twitter - part 2
In one of my last blog posts, I covered How to be better at twitter, sharing some insight about tools and when to mention people and I got a lot of good feedback for that, which is why I want to share …
How to be better at twitter
I use socials every day to engage, get the news I need to know and send out the messaging that helps me building a community. I want to share some good practices about using twitter and explain some …
be brave enough to suck at something new
Tis the season where we all look back to reflect what happened in the year, what we achieved, where we grew and where we helped others. At the beginning of this year, I told myself to be brave enough …
Should you attend yet another meeting?
Do you suffer from meeting overload as well? We joke around, that “this meeting could have been an email” and still our calendars are filled with meetings, meetings and even more meetings. Sometimes, …
X things you should do before making an app
10 things we should think about before we build an app With Power Apps, we can rapidly build custom business applications that connect to our business data in a low code manner. This means that not …
Should we use SharePoint REST or Microsoft Graph API in Power Automate?
Should we use SharePoint REST or Microsoft Graph API in Power Automate? When working with Microsoft 365, we see many overlapping tools and features, and we will need (to provide) much guidance around …
Why I blog or Why Sharing IS caring
Why I blog and how I run this blog for a few years now, and sometimes people outside of my filter bubble ask me why I do this, as no one pays me for that, and I don’t have any ads on my website. …
How to let people love metadata in SharePoint and Microsoft Teams
How to let people love 💗 metadata in SharePoint and Microsoft Teams I’ve been told since I started to work with SharePoint, that people hate metadata. They don’t understand why information …
digital clutter and how we use our time
Digital Clutter and how we use our time Do you sometimes have that feeling of being busy and under pressure for the whole day (or even the entire week) and still couldn’t check off all tasks …
#digitalclutter and our 168 open tabs -Part 2 of #LetItGo series
Ok, we made it to Jumanji, Part 2, Level 1. By the time I write this, it’s still early January 2021 (and this is the first time I wrote 2021 ), and I promised to write a series about how to declutter …
Let it go – digital clutter
Apart from dresses and shoes, I don’t like to own much stuff; I prefer to have only things that relate to who I am as a person, and I can easily detach emotionally and get rid of things. Reading and …
my 2020 or jumping into the next rabbit hole
2020-WHAT. A. YEAR. This was a special one for me, like for so many of us. When we were still traveling and making big plans in the first weeks of 2020, no one had a clue that we all would be sitting …
How to avoid overcommitting
Intro Besides my work as an independent consultant and low code developer, I do a lot of community work. I am an active Microsoft MVP, new member of the PnP team, run a blog, am a speaker at …
Please don’t “hello” me! Why “hello” in Microsoft Teams isn’t polite!
I recently stumbled over and, which refers to by …
Lego & Community – Interviews about building and learning
After some blog posts about Power Apps and my personal Microsoft Graph challenge, I am excited to announce that I will run a Community interview series about Lego. I noticed that there are a lot of …
2019 or How I started to believe in myself
Purpose of this post Someone on twitter asked, what was the one word to describe 2019. As I can’t name just one word, I will need to write an entire blog post to do that. Originally, I didn’t know if …
No email just for the sake of #NoEmail?
When you follow my blogposts, you know that I really don’t like email. Wait a minute, is that true? Do I dislike email? No, not at all. I only feel that the daily and widespread email abuse is not …
How can we overcome the pain with email?
Inbox Zero? I reached this goal, inbox zero. I wrote a tutorial how everyone can achieve that, too. Why is this important? For several reasons: Your inbox folder is just a mailbox. You empty your …